Symfony 5 With FlySystem and Google Cloud Storage

I am relatively new to Symfony and last month I started a new project using the Symfony 5 and the API-Platform. The project has been started with a basic user Authentication with JWT tokens, a profile entity and profile picture entity.

Theme Check Extended

The plugin Theme Check Extended, comes with a text area field that allowing the theme developers to enter the paths and the files they desire to exclude from the investigation process.

Elementor: Register custom font family in the fonts control.

Recently I started using Elementor. One of the best page building plugins that offer great flexibility, extensibility, documentation, and a nice community. While I am a developer and I need to have the power of doing anything I desire when I use plugins, using Elementor I had a kind of limitation on how I could register…

WordPress dashboard notifications counter

Recently I made a plugin for WordPress that required to display a list of information with different statuses. One of the plugin requirements was to create a label next to the plugin page name displaying the amount of pending elements in the list. By this post, I am going to show you the easy steps…

Let bootstrap text align by screen size

Twitter bootstrap is one of the most famous frameworks for building responsive web sites, coming with numerous features, and unlimited options for customization. By using the bootstrap, I found a spot related to text align. In some cases, we need to have a different text align options from screen size to screen size. One such…

Dictate SiteOrigin Page Builder how to load your widgets

This post describes how to teach SiteOrigins registering custom form fields and custom widgets for you themes and / or plugins. The process it is really simple, but requires from you to touch the code. although this sounds scary, you don’t have to be scared, because you already should touch the code for creating your own plugin :). While the SiteOrigins…